Meet The Team

Alex Lupu
Physiotherapy & Massage

Qualified as a Physiotherapist in 2014 with a degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy and followed Master’s in Psychomotor Diagnosis and Prognosis (2016).

Alex continued to complete many post-graduate courses in his treatments, including manual therapy, SGA, Schroth therapy, kinesiology taping and School of Massage. He has developed specialist knowledge and skills to help people to treat their neck, shoulder and back pain, sports injuries caused through their incorrect body posture, repetitive lifestyle habits.

His strong medical background and anatomy knowledge matches with his calm personality and his enthusiasm for helping people to feel better about themselves, not just in their body, but the mind and spirit too. “ I enjoy working with my patients step by step to fully accomplish their goals. I believe in the combination of excellent hands-on techniques and individual exercise programmes to get each of my patients the best treatment possible”


Gabriela Pricop
Pilates, Kinesiology, Massage, Reflexology

Graduated in Physiotherapy at Medicine University in Transylvania, 2013. Gabriela followed up her degree with Postural Reeducation Diploma, Mat Pilates, Kinesiology Taping, Dry Needling, Joint Articulation techniques and Massage Therapy qualifications such as Sports massage, Deep Tissue, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology, Anti-Cellulite massage, face and head massage.

She has enjoyed working with a focus on musculoskeletal rehabilitation and developed a passion for hands-on treatments. Her kind and friendly nature makes people feel comfortable during their treatments and due to her experience and expertise she tailors the treatment to each individual and provides an exercise plan alongside health and wellness advice.

“I believe that a holistic approach is important to achieve results when it comes to health and wellness. I love providing a combination of treatments and advice tailored to each individual as each and every patient/customer is unique – here is the beauty of my job.”



Qualified as a Massage Therapist and member of the Complimentary Therapists Association, the leading professional association for complementary therapists in the UK and Ireland.

Alina loves working with people and developed a real interest in hands-on treatments. She followed her qualification with Deep Tissue and Sports Massage as she is passionate to learn more about the human body.

‘’I believe in tailored treatments as not only are our needs different and diverse from others, but they can change from one session to another. A good therapist has the capability and the skills to identify these changes and continuously adapt the treatment for the best results’’.



Mihaela is a qualified Massage Therapist specialising in therapeutic massage, deep tissue, natural lift facial massage, facial rejuvenation, lymphatic drainage, Indian head massage, myofascial and pregnancy massage.

Her extended experience combines with a calm attitude and genuine attention for the patient’s comfort.  “I enjoy creating tailored treatments for my patients as well as following their progress and offering aftercare advise where needed”



Qualified massage therapist specialising in deep tissue,
sports and remedial massage as well as myofascial dry cupping and dry needling.

Jasmine completed her qualifications in Queensland Australia. Whilst living there for a couple of years did some work at the 2018 Commonwealth Games and the National Rugby League Masters. She is also a member of the FHT organisation.

“I have a real passion for helping people and believe every person and body is very different. I, therefore, make sure each treatment is tailored to the exact needs of each patient, often combining treatments to get the best results. I have worked with various people from professional bodybuilders, athletes and actors to desk workers, elderly and children”.


We provide the highest quality of care by educating our clients how to function, perform and achieve their goals, whether they be preventative care, injury rehabilitation, pain management or general wellness.

Our registered practitioners are all highly experienced. We are confident you will find the right one to help you.


Our Principles

We contribute positively and generously to our community.

We apply the highest standards of excellence to the treatment, education and service.

We provide a safe, comfortable and empowering environment for all our employees and clients.

We are committed to personal, professional and spiritual/energetic growth.

We provide an amazing work environment built on loyalty, trust and respect.


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